Insurance premium finance credit line
Looking for capital resourses, line of credit, securutization to start or grow a insurance premium finance company? Need a business plan?
Many have contacted us on where to borrow money to start or expand their insurance premium finance company.
We have created a guide on how to get a line of credit for an insurance premium finance company.
Banks, we can provide a premium finance profit calculator pro forma so that you can show potential profit. Designed for those who lend to the premium finance industry. Allows capitalizing on financial strength and mix of business.
Evolution has a Remote Audit Toolâ„¢ (RAT), software designed specfically for the bank suppling the accounting transactions needed to monitor the line of credit. Connection is firewalled with limited read only information into a premium finance comp[any database for managing the line of credit and audit purposes.
Topics in the proposal / loan application to the loan officer include;
Basis of information in this proposal
Insurance premium loan, how it works
Premium finance industry historic facts
About my loan production
My market
Potential Profit calculator proforma spreadsheet
Sample Forms
State Laws - Return of Unearned Premium
This will allow you to show a bank or other lender you know what you are doing and worthy of a line of credit then present a serious proposal.
Since 1979 (43 years) we've led the pack in high performance enterprise solutions for the premium finance industry. By staying ahead of emerging technologies we have become empowered to go beyond just servicing our client base to improving their position in the marketplace.
Call today 913-384-2654 or email..