Your internet storefront, simple to use yet comprehensive
Premium finance software in the cloud, web, internet. However you want to refer to the web.
Many years in the redesign to include functionality never achieved before by any other premium finance company or vendor. Innovative insurance premium finance software for the internet. Can reside on your server or in the cloud (any data center you choose) giving you control of your data.
In the cloud / on the web
We can show you the way. Again, we were the first vendor to allow real-time access (no upload or download) and other features when other vendors couldn't pull it off.
- Real-time instant information for agents and policyholders.
- We don't force you to use our login screen. Choose your own look. We let you match your web site look and feel, click to see our fictitious ACE premium finance single page example or multi page example. You don't even have to use our copyright notice on your login screen. Want to see the really cool features, give us a call.
- Access vis smart phone, tablet or desktop no worries. Meets multiple technology standards.
- Our software passed scalability and stress testing by the largest computer consultant in the world, Accenture. Test had to produce numbers within a set limited time. (i.e. their goal was 100 loans per hour and our software exceeded that with 270 in an hour from 49 users).
- Superior agent and policyholder interface so easy that agents can quote in 3 operator commands. Wow!
- Access anytime, anywhere there is an internet connection.
- Choose to store your data in-house or in the cloud, your choice!!
- Policyholder and agent login.
- Policyholder and agent can view any form(s) you printed for policyholder. Example: Late notice, short payment, cancellation and so on. From our 20+ pre-built forms or forms you create yourself.
- Agent's can quote additional premiums. Evolution again was the first to do this.
- Multi-lingual login and information display.
- On-line loan payments from policyholder or agent screen to apply payments by credit or debit card payments, ACH, Check by web, Pay Pal or choose from several payment gateways.
- Choose from over 80+ reports the agent can run.
- View payments history and update account information.
- Policyholders can choose which notices they want to receive a SMS text message, e-mail or both.
- Agents get easy and instant access to a list of their policyholders that are late on a payment.
- Plus, much much more. The ultimate versatile premium finance software solution for you.
- Can integrates with any rater.
- Back Office+™, integration. Daily operations go to Accounts .Net™ and Accounts .Net™ operations go to Back Office+™, all via a Encrypted Firewall created by Evolution.
- Can reside on your server or in the cloud (any data center you choose) giving you control of your data.
- Plus, much more that you can't imagine about what we can do! Must see to believe. It's time for a change...
WANT to see it in action?
Call today 913-384-2654
Contact us to get more information.