Evolution, Inc. since 1979

Premium finance Software by Evolution: Ready to run, flexible, robust marketing, increase retention, secure.

Back Office+

  • The single most comprehensive chart of accounts in this industry with 95+ unique ledger accounts with 1425+ different entries. To report, analyze and audit.
  • Software that has passed both accounting and procedural audits time after time at major premium finance companies financing hundreds of millions.
  • DMRO- Day Money Runs Out
  • Flexible “Pay as you earn” or full licensing is available.
  • Live and Train, a place to work and a place to learn
  • Visible and audible warnings are given to the operator to draw attention to a possible mistake.


  • Accounts.Net is your internet storefront for agents and policyholders.
  • Multi-Lingual will help you reach and maintain an insurance audience that might have been previously out of reach for you!
  • Accounts.Net is accessible 24x7
  • Policyholders can make payments and you get to control the type of payments allowed.
  • Agents can quote endorsements. Both additional premium and reduction in premium.
  • Policyholders can set themselves up to receive email or text reminders and notices.

Ready to run and easy to start

  • Prebuilt professional forms package ready to be used.
  • 50 states consumer and commercial setup ready for review and use.
  • Carriers and MGA already entered. Just select the ones that you will finance policies for.
  • Learn how to operate software with Tutorial that takes new users though the life of several loans hands on with ability to travel through time.
  • Borrowing Base Certificate for bank funding.
  • Links with 5+ payment gateways to take online payments.
  • Scheduler to handle daily tasks automatically.
  • Batch list for end of day processing.
  • Forms can be mailed or emailed depending on setup and recipients’ preference.


  • Software can reside on your server or in the cloud.
  • Full ability to edit and create forms.
  • Hundreds of setup questions, business and underwriting rules that can be modified to fit how you want to do business. It is not our way or the highway.
  • Edit the look and feel of the Agent and Insured interface to match your web site or preferences. Add logos etc...
  • Over 25 different adjustment operations available.
  • 80+ reports to choose from with ability to edit.
  • Finance for multiple companies with separate balance sheets.
  • Options and fields that you don’t use can be turned off, so operators don’t even see them. Simplifying their job.
  • Personalize service screen background colors and text color.

Marketing and retention

  • Add Forms and edit including font size, multi-lingual, layering and conditional statements. See Printing/imaging section for more detail.
  • Equity date cancellation
  • Easy to use customizable web software that allows agents to quote and send you loans. Also allows agents to see who is late, lookup policyholders, take payments, quote endorsements, and run reports.
  • Calculate, track and account of agent rebates if allowed by law.
  • Calculate, track, and account for fees paid to marketing reps.
  • Allow special payment plans for specific agents.


  • Separate access for internal and external users with encryption and limited access built in.
  • Data transfer for web access can be limited to two ports.
  • User management, control what users have access to.
  • Let payment gateway collect and keep payment information.
  • Software has passed PCI audits for clients who decide to record payment information in software.
  • Date tine and username recorded for all accounting transactions.
  • Non accounting changes like address changes are also tracked by username with date time.
  • Track cash with user based deposit slips and cash forward reconciliation.
  • You have full control Back Office access and limit access to the degree that best fits your operations.