Evolution, Inc. since 1979

Evolution, Inc. since 1979

About Evolution

Since 1979 we are the longest lasting premium finance software vendor.

45 years In business

Credibility earned, not given.

We are the experts in insurance premium finance.

Evolution is the best in premium finance software because we listen and comprehend the wants and needs of every aspect of the insurance premium finance industry then we married those aspects into functional computer processes that produce exceptional software results.

Evolution has always been the clear leader of premium finance software in innovation, functionality, support, accounting, real time internet access, integration, imaging, licensing, counter fraud, consulting and more. It our innovation the has led and will continue to lead the premium finance industry with innovation and functionality.

If you have looked at Evolution's premium finance software, mass email marketing software or auto warranty software products in the past or even used them you need to look again. Ask us your toughest questions or tell us your fear. We have witnessed a great deal over the decades and our innovative software solutions reflects it.

Call and challenge us with your hardest questions.

Know that as you grow or expand your premium finance marketing or processing ideas, Evolution more likely than not already has the functionality built into our software.

Premium Finance Software History


Our midwestern values began with Don Sprowl, our founder was raised on a farm. Joined the Marine Corp at 17 years old and was a combat vet in Vietnam where he was given a Purple Heart for wounds he received during combat, just one of many citations he received. Don became an insurance agent who through his innovative X-date ideas became one of the top 5 producers in Kansas.

After being an agent for many years, he saw a need for better processing tools for the insurance premium finance industry and Evolution’s journey began.

Our first software version worked on CPM and MPM computers. Our software worked on Novell multiuser operating system. We quickly switched to DOS when Microsoft launched it.


Evolution was the first company to bring premium finance into Windows. Others vendors took years to follow our innovation. We believe they are still chasing our innovation.

Major changes were made with a total re-write of our software using all the knowledge we gained from 1979 using the Marine Corp ideology that nothing is impossible and never back down.

Some of the major changes for our Windows compatible software included a complete re-write of our premium finance accounting engine where 8 people meet for 62 days designing every aspect before we wrote one line of code. CFO’s wanted batch processing and we gave it to them. The re-write included new database (files and fields) that now contains 93 files and 2700 fields to add structure to handle every possibly imaginable.

To Date

Our goal was to provide details, prevent operator errors with business rules, easy to learn and use, touch every aspect of daily operations, increase marketability to agents, real time functionality agents will use, complete analysis of operations and accounting, pass procedural and accounting audits, and so many more. Well, we succeeded. If you have about 8 hours, we will make a believer out of you. Call!

Major premium finance companies financing hundreds of millions, passed both accounting and procedural audits time after time using our insurance premium finance software.

Why? Evolution’s accounting engine has the most comprehensive chart of accounts (COA) in the premium finance industry, with 95+ unique ledger accounts including 1425+ different entries for full double entry accounting (offsetting debits and credits), we will prove it. COAs used to report, analyze, audit, etc...

Our accounting engine standard balances are receivables, payables and collections. Plus, Optional Balances including accrual, compensating, processing fees, reserve contingency, interest charge back

We do so much more, call to talk about FASBI 91 where we split transactions into different chart of accounts and let you choose the disbursement order or Day Money Runs Out (DMRO) a phrase Evolution coined to calculate and know exact collateral position.

Fact: No one using our unmodified Back Office TM software has ever had an out of balance loan.

Our premium finance software has been used to process billions in premium. We believe we can handle your needs. There are many more reasons we lead the pack, but one major consideration is… Cost Justification!

See what software products we have here.

Evolution understands the environment you live in. We have lived there with so many customers taking care of business.

In order to manage the performance of your business, you have to understand your operations. We have many functions to accurately and precisely measure the productivity of your operations. And how added functionality may help reduce unit cost.

We offer premium finance consulting and have consulted with many over the years on:

  • Business Analytics
  • Fraud Prevention and Detection
  • Financial and Procedural Audit Procedures
  • Exception Reporting
  • Bad Debts / Mark-off Reduction and Monitoring
  • Premium Finance Industry Best Practices
  • Maximizing Profit and Efficiency
  • Transaction Services in becoming or selling a premium finance company
  • Compliance Audits
  • Daily Due Diligence and Underwriting
  • Borrowing Base Creation and Review

So much of the needed functionality is within the software.

Call us to discuss processes and ideas, a place to begin to review internal operations, and how Evolution’s premium finance software added functionality may help reduce unit cost through our processing speed, ease of use.

Evolution gives you a choice on where you want to store your premium finance information, in the cloud or on your in-house servers.

Excellence in the cloud. One customer of ours hired the largest computer consultant in the world, Accenture, to make sure it would handle the volume they expected while at the same time, they vigorously tested every single aspect of our software. Our software was put through many load/stress tests by Accenture.

Excellence on in-house servers. With another company our software had to pass stringent procedural audits and accounting audits. Procedural audits covered functionally, counter fraud, workflow, what user did what and when, and other internal controls, etc.

Numbers that speak for themselves. One customer with 49 operators, 157,000 open accounts with 1 billion in premium created a lot of profit. Rest assured you are in good hands.

The future of the insurance premium finance industry and premium finance software.

Rest assured Evolution’s software data structure and accounting engine was designed for flexibility to easily make changes as necessary. That is why we are the leading vendor and will continue to be the most innovative premium finance software out there. We love challenges, test us with your ideas. If after 45+ years we don’t already have the functionality, you seek we will tell you how quickly we can modify it for you.

Since 1979, we are the oldest, most experienced, tested, technologically advanced premium finance software vendor in existence because we listen. We've led the pack developing high performance enterprise solutions for the premium finance industry. By staying ahead of emerging technologies we have become empowered to go beyond just servicing our client base to improving their position in the marketplace.

Check out our product line, see what fits your needs. Back Office+™ (internal operations) and Accounts .Net™ (browser for policyholders and agents) is the best place to start. Add a touch of mass email marketing to build you insurance premium finance company with Rapid Fire™ and you will be on your way.

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